Frequently Asked Questions

There are a lot of factors that go into a bed bug treatment and so that is why we offer a free onsite estimate so that the techs can take a look at everything to give you the most accurate and cost-effective treatment options.
There are a lot of factors that go into a bed bug treatment and so that is why we offer a free onsite estimate so that the techs can take a look at everything to give you the most accurate and cost-effective treatment options.
Our Basic spray will treat the home's interior, all water points, and the home's exterior. Our Premier spray will also treat the front and back yards for an added layer of protection against pests coming into your home.
The General pest control spray will help protect against a wide range of pests, including roaches (American, oriental, banded), water bugs, spiders, sugar ants, silverfish, centipedes, millipedes, scorpions, pillbugs, wasps, earwigs, stink bugs, crickets, beetles, etc.
If there is a hive, we can come in and remove the hive so that the bees will relocate on their own, but we do not relocate the bees themselves.
Although we use the safest products on the market, it is a chemical. As long as they are not able to get into the spray while it is wet, there is not going to be any issues. We recommend that pets are crated for about half an hour to let the spray have a chance to dry just to be safe.
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